The SHA Team structure
Our Team
SHA personnel are professionally qualified, competent and experienced, with a proven track record of excellence in their field. All have been managerially inducted into the company, and are professionally supervised to meet our framework of high quality standards, policies and procedures, as well as client performance targets.
SHA’s Management Team
NICK STONE, M.A., DipCOT., M.o.I.D – Director I qualified as an occupational therapist in 1985 and hold a Masters Degree in Social policy and Social research. An ex Principal O.T. Manager for Social Services, I have led many SHA consultancy projects including professional mentoring for Norfolk County Council; developed a system for assessing accommodation needs for disabled students at London Metropolitan University and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. I have managed the Appeals Clinic for Brent Council’s Blue Badge scheme; Housing Transfer Appeals for various Housing Associations, and developed a new sheltered housing assessment tool for Wrexham Council. I now direct SHA business full time. I am a full member of the Institute of Directors. |
DOMENICA RUSSO BA (HONS) OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY – HR and Operations Manager I have over 23 years’ experience working as an Occupational Therapist. I have led teams and gained expertise in a diversity of areas including A&E Admission Avoidance, Manual Handling, Double Handed Care Reviews, Major Adaptations, eligibility assessments for travel concessions, and transport risk assessments. I have been working with SHA since 2013 as HR and Operations Manager. My work involves contract management, mobilisation of new contracts, co-ordinating the SHA CPD programme, development and review of processes and assessment tools in line with best practice guidance. |
JILL RYDER, FMAAT – Financial Support I have worked with SHA since 2000. As part of the SHA Management team, I attend monthly meetings where I present detailed management accounts to the Director and Business Manager alongside reviewing and forecasting of the Company’s cash flow, on-going analysis of contract profitability and budget reporting for SHA clients. I lead SHA’s finance team. Member of the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) since 1987, holding the highest status – FMAAT. |
MATT RANDALL BSC (HONS) OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY – Operations Manager I have worked with SHA since 2017 and have over 25 years’ experience working in health and social care within a variety of roles, including Senior Operations Lead. I am a qualified Moving and Handling and Positive Behavioural Support trainer and am skilled in developing and implementing training programmes. I have extensive knowledge and experience of conducting Safeguarding investigations. |
Our Administration Centre
SHA’s modern, central and secure office base is staffed by professional administrators.
– Reports are word processed and either uploaded directly by SHA onto clients’ systems or emailed (password protected) within target deadlines
– Databases are updated and emailed to clients regularly
– Out of hours answerphone, email and faxing are available
– Clients have direct email contact with Therapists